AΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣ ΜΑΝΘΟΣ: Ένας από τους πιο επιθετικούς δείκτες του Ελληνικού Χρηματιστηρίου είναι ο FTSE/Athex Mid & Small Cap Θεμελιωδών Μεγεθών (FTSEMSFW), όπου καταγράφει σε πραγματικό χρόνο, την τάση των τιμών των μετοχών των είκοσι (20) καλύτερων σε όρους θεμελιωδών αριθμοδεικτών εισηγμένων εταιρειών.
- Μάλιστα ο δείκτης αυτός κατά πολλούς αντικατοπτρίζει καλύτερα την πραγματική εικόνα της αγοράς αφήνοντας στον πάγκο τον Γενικό Δείκτη, όπου εμπεριέχει τόσο τις τράπεζες όσο και κάποιες στάσιμες ή δυσκίνητες βαριές μετοχές μην αφήνοντάς τον να τρέξει προς τα υψηλότερα επίπεδα τιμών. Ο FTSEMSFW έχει ξεκινήσει από τις 1000 μονάδες και τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει πραγματοποιήσει μια καμπυλωτή πτήση προς τις 3000 μονάδες.
Μάλιστα την τελευταία εβδομάδα έχει διατρήσει και αυτό το επίπεδο τιμών βάζοντας πλέον πλώρη για τη σαθρή αντίσταση των 3250 μονάδων. Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον συν τοις άλλοις για τις εταιρείες, που απαρτίζουν το εν λόγω δείκτη είναι και η δημόσια πρόταση της εταιρείας Καράτζης στην προσφερόμενη τιμή των 10 ευρώ, καθώς το σύνολο των επενδυτών θεσμικών και μη, θα αποκτήσει ρευστότητα καταγράφοντας σημαντικά κέρδη. Ρευστότητα, η οποία κυρίως για τους θεσμικούς που ακολουθούν το δείκτη θα πρέπει να επαναδιοχετεύσουν στις υπόλοιπες εταιρείες που τον απαρτίζουν.
- Σύνθεση δείκτη (23 Ιαν 2020)
Σύμβολο | Κλείσιμο | Διαφορά % | % Στάθμισης | Χρημ/κή αξία | % Συμμετοχή | Capping Factor |
ΕΛΣΤΡ | 1,43 | -0,69 | 62 | 15.412.338 | 4,4 | 0,944 |
ΛΟΥΛΗ | 3,52 | 0 | 25 | 15.065.846 | 4,3 | 1 |
ΛΑΜΨΑ | 20,4 | 0 | 16 | 26.609.837 | 7,6 | 0,382 |
ΓΕΒΚΑ | 0,92 | 0 | 44 | 9.739.488 | 2,78 | 1 |
ΕΛΒΕ | 4,3 | -1,83 | 26 | 3.697.785 | 1,06 | 1 |
ΦΛΕΞΟ | 7,2 | 1,41 | 28 | 16.199.840 | 4,63 | 0,686 |
ΚΥΡΙΟ | 2,1 | 0,96 | 36 | 5.741.940 | 1,64 | 1 |
ΠΛΑΚΡ | 14,3 | 1,42 | 43 | 68.739.56 | 19,63 | 0,408 |
ΟΤΟΕΛ | 8,04 | -0,25 | 40 | 73.074.019 | 20,87 | 0,465 |
ΠΕΤΡΟ | 7,95 | 0,63 | 49 | 16.016.739 | 4,57 | 0,582 |
ΚΤΗΛΑ | 1,41 | 0 | 21 | 5.334.973 | 1,52 | 1 |
ΕΒΡΟΦ | 1,23 | -1,6 | 24 | 4.036.329 | 1,15 | 1 |
ΝΑΚΑΣ | 1,95 | 0 | 25 | 3.090.750 | 0,88 | 1 |
ΚΑΡΤΖ | 10 | 0 | 18 | 19.027.573 | 5,43 | 0,72 |
ΣΠΕΙΣ | 5,42 | 0,37 | 33 | 11.548.149 | 3,3 | 1 |
ΠΠΑΚ | 4,98 | 2,47 | 29 | 5.709.052 | 1,63 | 1 |
ΟΛΘ | 26,9 | 0 | 26 | 16.258.529 | 4,64 | 0,231 |
ΕΥΑΠΣ | 4,8 | 0 | 21 | 15.740.275 | 4,5 | 0,43 |
ΛΟΓΟΣ | 0,715 | 0 | 39 | 1.321.749 | 0,38 | 1 |
ΠΡΟΦ | 3,98 | -0,5 | 50 | 17.728.636 | 5,06 | 0,754 |
- Τιμές κλεισιμάτων των τελευταίων 30 ημερών
Κλεισίματα 30 ημερών |
Ημ/νία | Τιμή | Διαφ.% | Όγκος | Αξία | Ανώτερη | Κατώτερη | Χρημ/κή αξία | Μτβλ. εβδ. % | Μτβλ. μήνα % | Μτβλ. έτους % |
23 Ιαν 2020 | 3.133,27 | 0,29 | 300.941 | 1.668.343,67 | 3.139,94 | 3.116,44 | 350.093.412 | 0,29 | 5,30 | 5,30 |
22 Ιαν 2020 | 3.124,24 | 0,42 | 702.368 | 4.237.468,22 | 3.154,14 | 3.107,21 | 349.084.492 | 0,00 | 4,99 | 4,99 |
21 Ιαν 2020 | 3.111,17 | 1,01 | 6.107.434 | 50.466.675,77 | 3.115,04 | 3.067,92 | 347.624.379 | 2,03 | 4,55 | 4,55 |
20 Ιαν 2020 | 3.080,01 | 0,11 | 426.055 | 2.972.392,04 | 3.089,52 | 3.060,79 | 344.142.410 | 1,01 | 3,51 | 3,51 |
17 Ιαν 2020 | 3.076,64 | 0,84 | 261.477 | 1.807.227,79 | 3.076,64 | 3.047,67 | 343.766.149 | 0,90 | 3,39 | 3,39 |
16 Ιαν 2020 | 3.051,14 | 0,06 | 249.258 | 1.653.907,43 | 3.059,81 | 3.039,85 | 340.915.995 | 0,06 | 2,54 | 2,54 |
15 Ιαν 2020 | 3.049,21 | 1,26 | 302.334 | 1.900.304,15 | 3.051,51 | 3.011,26 | 340.700.296 | 0,00 | 2,47 | 2,47 |
14 Ιαν 2020 | 3.011,26 | 0,72 | 261.446 | 1.642.662,17 | 3.011,3 | 2.983,39 | 336.460.224 | 1,81 | 1,20 | 1,20 |
13 Ιαν 2020 | 2.989,84 | -0,32 | 211.859 | 1.006.423,73 | 3.012,5 | 2.983,06 | 334.067.297 | 1,08 | 0,48 | 0,48 |
10 Ιαν 2020 | 2.999,39 | -0,17 | 281.857 | 1.580.636,1 | 3.012,02 | 2.991,62 | 335.134.695 | 1,41 | 0,80 | 0,80 |
9 Ιαν 2020 | 3.004,49 | 1,58 | 234.003 | 1.391.720,54 | 3.004,49 | 2.957,77 | 335.704.288 | 1,58 | 0,97 | 0,97 |
8 Ιαν 2020 | 2.957,77 | -0,70 | 133.232 | 721.841,26 | 2.978,75 | 2.940,85 | 330.483.851 | 0,00 | -0,60 | -0,60 |
7 Ιαν 2020 | 2.978,75 | 0,20 | 191.700 | 1.058.120,18 | 2.994,25 | 2.967,95 | 332.828.544 | 0,10 | 0,10 | 0,10 |
3 Ιαν 2020 | 2.972,83 | -0,84 | 117.013 | 769.863,85 | 2.998,11 | 2.960,27 | 332.166.531 | -0,10 | -0,10 | -0,10 |
2 Ιαν 2020 | 2.998,11 | 0,75 | 155.693 | 922.381,99 | 2.999,9 | 2.970,5 | 334.991.371 | 0,75 | 0,75 | 0,75 |
31 Δεκ 2019 | 2.975,68 | -0,08 | 96.281 | 478.851,26 | 2.984,86 | 2.965,05 | 332.484.543 | 0,00 | 2,33 | 34,33 |
30 Δεκ 2019 | 2.978,12 | -0,60 | 136.293 | 736.861,18 | 2.999,83 | 2.963,33 | 332.757.195 | -1,37 | 2,41 | 34,44 |
27 Δεκ 2019 | 2.996,13 | -0,78 | 134.846 | 912.347,31 | 3.022,05 | 2.977,19 | 334.769.941 | -0,78 | 3,03 | 35,25 |
23 Δεκ 2019 | 3.019,62 | 1,96 | 495.478 | 3.544.979,61 | 3.019,85 | 2.954,98 | 337.394.838 | 4,47 | 3,84 | 36,31 |
20 Δεκ 2019 | 2.961,49 | 1,08 | 196.705 | 1.428.187,25 | 2.961,49 | 2.924,61 | 325.445.642 | 2,45 | 1,84 | 33,69 |
19 Δεκ 2019 | 2.929,81 | 0,51 | 358.742 | 2.429.287,7 | 2.937,32 | 2.900,53 | 321.964.412 | 1,36 | 0,75 | 32,26 |
18 Δεκ 2019 | 2.915 | 0,85 | 316.603 | 1.858.526,05 | 2.915 | 2.866,15 | 320.336.409 | 0,85 | 0,24 | 31,59 |
17 Δεκ 2019 | 2.890,54 | 0,73 | 239.640 | 1.529.489,98 | 2.912,33 | 2.856,87 | 317.648.897 | 0,00 | -0,60 | 30,49 |
16 Δεκ 2019 | 2.869,55 | -1,07 | 185.861 | 1.238.214,06 | 2.904,67 | 2.861,19 | 315.342.004 | -0,00 | -1,32 | 29,54 |
13 Δεκ 2019 | 2.900,47 | 0,62 | 200.537 | 1.285.113,39 | 2.907,77 | 2.876,09 | 318.740.382 | 1,08 | -0,26 | 30,93 |
12 Δεκ 2019 | 2.882,54 | -0,08 | 158.694 | 891.676,92 | 2.890,15 | 2.864,51 | 316.769.533 | 0,45 | -0,87 | 30,13 |
11 Δεκ 2019 | 2.884,94 | 0,53 | 104.302 | 529.490,37 | 2.884,94 | 2.857,44 | 317.033.901 | 0,53 | -0,79 | 30,23 |
10 Δεκ 2019 | 2.869,61 | 0,18 | 80.702 | 330.831,43 | 2.869,71 | 2.851,51 | 315.348.973 | 0,00 | -1,32 | 29,54 |
9 Δεκ 2019 | 2.864,51 | -0,64 | 125.893 | 823.665,06 | 2.886,31 | 2.845,41 | 314.788.570 | -0,70 | -1,49 | 29,31 |
HΛΙΑΣ ΖΑΧΑΡΑΚΗΣ- ΕΥΡΩΒ@0,9135 και +1,35%: Μπορεί η εκποίηση να βοήθησε και τεχνικά να δοκιμάσει επιβεβαίωση βιαστικά στο 0,8850 επίπεδο με το 093 να είναι το βασικό κοντινό της μέλημα πριν να δοκιμάσει την ζώνη της ΑΜΚ που είναι και ο επόμενος στόχος.
Market Comment
Stocks ended lower on profit-taking, breaking the seven-session rising streak. Still, buying interest towards the end of the session contained earlier steeper losses.
Investors preferred to stay sidelined ahead of Fitch’s verdict late tonight. General index ended at 939.17 points, shedding 0.40% from Wednesday’s 942.92 points. The large-cap FTSE 25 index contracted 0.21% to 2,349.36 points, while the small-cap index expanded 0.26%. The banks index rebounded 0.17%, as Eurobank improved 1.50% and Alpha earned 0.16%, while National was down 0.95% and Piraeus conceded 0.91%. Ellaktor slumped 2.95%, Mytilineos fell 1.47% and Terna Energy parted with 1.21%. EYDAP grew 0.53%.
In total 42 stocks secured gains, 60 suffered losses and 32 remained unchanged. Turnover was the lowest of the last 14 sessions, amounting to €48.6m, down from Wednesday’s €77.8m.
A moderate positive session is expected on positive news-flow and ratings expectations.
In the Spotlight
Greece/Privatizations: Greece launched on Thursday the sale of a majority stake in state-controlled gas utility DEPA’s wholesale and retail business, its privatization agency said. The Greek government is selling a 65% stake in DEPA Commercial as part of the terms of the country’s final EU/IMF bailout. Hellenic Petroleum, Greece’s biggest oil refiner holds the remaining 35% stake in the gas utility. According to the tender document published by the privatization agency, the preferred investor will also have the option to acquire Hellenic’s stake in DEPA Commercial.
- The agency set a March 6 deadline for the submission of non-binding bids. DEPA has been Greece’s dominant importer of pipeline and liquefied natural gas via long-term supply contracts, and its main gas supplier, with more than 350,000 retail customers in the wider Athens area. Under its latest bailout which expired in 2018, Greece agreed to further privatize DEPA to help open up the market. To achieve that, DEPA will be broken up in DEPA Commercial for wholesale and retail activities, and DEPA Infrastructure, which owns the distribution network to end-users. Greece last year launched the sale of a 100% stake in DEPA Infrastructure, and set a Feb. 14 deadline for the submission of initial offers.
In other privatizations related news, the European Union’s lending arm, the European Investment Bank (EIB), signed a €180mn ($199.69mn) loan deal with Greece to help it pay its share for a new airport on Crete. Recall that last year Ariadne Airport Group, a joint venture between India’s GMR Airports and Greek contractor GEK Terna, was awarded the contract to build the new €520mn airport in Kasteli, Crete. The group will hold a 54% stake in the build-operate-transfer project, with Greece taking up the rest.
Greece/Economy: Fitch’s verdict over Greek economy rating and outlook expected late evening today.
Greece/Economy: Greek Finance Minister Staikouras has reportedly submitted three proposals for the 2020 budget to the creditors’ envoys during their first day of talks. Staikouras raised the issue of use of SMP/ANFA profits for investments instead of debt reduction, exclusion part of funds for immigration policy from budget calculation and the option to transfer any excess surplus in the primary budget from one year to the next. The state-run Athens-Macedonian news agency cited a finance ministry official who said that the fiscal space of the proposals could be used for further reduction of the solidarity and property taxes.
Greece/Economy: The European Investment Bank signed a €150mn loan agreement with Greece, to support for new priority investment across the country intended to enhance energy efficiency and tackle climate change. The EIB is providing a total of €1.7bn for the Greek national contribution to the investment initiative that will be used alongside European Structural and Investment Funds.
Hellenic Petroleum: Reportedly the sale of State’s stake in Hellenic Petroleum via book building is not an immediate priority and may be postponed until DEPA privatization concludes.
OTE: The company bought 55,800 own shares at €13.8706/share for a total consideration of €773.978K. Total treasury stock now amounts to 1.991% of share capital (9,554,743 shares).
NBG: The bank announced the successful completion of the sale of its 99.285 subsidiary in Romania (Banca Romaneasca) to Export-Import Bank of Romania, which is capital accretive by 24bps on CET1.
JUMBO: The company trades today gross FY’19 interim dividend €0.22/share (net €0.209/share). Payment will be concluded on January 30th 2020.
Athens Water: The company will announce FY 2019 results on April 9th 2020. AGM scheduled for June 26th with dividend ex-date on June 30th and payment on July 6th. H1 2020 results to be announced on September 25th.
ELLAKTOR: The company announced yesterday the additional issue of €70mn of its 6⅜% senior notes due 2024. Issue price was €102.5%. Total offers exceeded €200mn. Settlement on January 30th 2020. The new Notes will have the same terms and conditions as the €600mn aggregate principal amount of senior notes due 2024 previously issued by the Issuer on 12 December 2019. The proceeds from the Offering will be used (i) to fund capital expenditure in the Renewables and Concessions businesses, planned for the year 2020, (ii) to pay related fees and expenses, and (iii) for general corporate purposes.
Lamda Development: Hard Rock International has announced it will take recourse to both the Greek and the European authorities against its exclusion from the tender for the Elliniko casino permit, as had been widely expected. The US company cites irregularities in the procedure as well as problems with the rival bid, by the consortium of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and GEK Terna, which is the sole bidder to have been short-listed. The case will be referred to the local arbitration authority next week, and will be followed by a complaint to the European Commission. The domestic case will take about a month before a verdict emerges, a period during which the tender cannot proceed. Hard Rock stated that it has been excluded for flawed reasons and due to an “obvious conflict of interest.” It has therefore asked its “legal counselors in Greece and Brussels to assess the matter.”
PPC: BOD convened yesterday and named Mr Paterakis deputy CEO and BOD executive member.
Kloukinas Lappas: The company announced the cease of operations of its retail outlet in Bulgaria (Less than 1% of Group’s turnover).